Back to school! EL Corporate University Executive returns for 2023 edition
The ELCU - Executive Module - continues to attract enthusiastic participants from EL Lottery Members, Partners and Suppliers. With this interesting mix of participants with a diversity of skills, experiences and responsibilities, the discussions were fruitful, well informed and, most of all, engaging.

For the 2023 edition, held in Lausanne in April, and kindly hosted by Loterie Romande, 16 executive level lottery managers gathered to share knowledge and experience with each other through the medium of 18 Case Studies moderated by EL Honorary President Ray Bates.

In addition, the participants were provided with unique lottery and gaming insights by three respected experts. Jean-Luc Moner-Banet, CEO of Loterie Romande shared his experiences as a lottery director by giving an insight into some of the complex issues he has had to deal with in recent times.

On the first day Patrick Foster shared his sometimes shocking experiences as a recovered gambling addict.

Matt Osgood shared his unique experience of working at a senior level in Camelot, Lottoland, and the Football Pools.
The combination of presentations and group work on case studies gave participants the opportunity to learn, share experiences, and network with their peers from other lottery companies. It was most encouraging to see that two of the participants were laureates of a previous ELCU Induction Module which they had attended in 2019.

Participants of the ELCU Executive Module in Lausanne, April 2023