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Íslensk Getspá Responsible Gaming re-certified for fifth time!

Committed to addressing illegal gambling and related criminal activities while minimising any potential harm on society, EL has developed a Standard that aims to promote the adoption of best practices across the EL membership: the EL Responsible Gaming Certification.

During this interview with Stefán Konráðsson, CEO of Íslensk Getspá (Iceland), we hear about the road to 5th Responsible Gaming certification. Congratulations! 

Your lottery has been certified for the fifth time. How did the process differ from previous certifications? What are the biggest lessons learnt?

In those 13 years the process of re-certification and partial certification has become part of our planned work for every year. Before it was more like a race to finish before deadline.  Biggest lessons learnt is that today Responsible gaming is a big part of our present and future vision.

Could you tell us about your progress since the first certification? What has changed and how did you grow and learn in the past 13 years?

Over the years the certification process has become more familiar. What we have learned is that Responsible Gaming has become part of our DNA and plays big role in the way we run our business.            

Reaching the fifth certification is a huge achievement. Did you set yourself specific goals this time and did you reach your expected results?

Responsible gaming has become a part of our daily work. The development of the Standard has been very good and for us the fulfilment of the standard came somewhat naturally. This time we emphasised on Stakeholders engagement and our players behaviour.

What was the most difficult part of the fifth certification and how did you overcome it?

Well, each certification process is easier that the one before because of the lessons we learn each time, and due to the fact that Responsible gaming is now part of our daily work. Partial certification and re-certification are scheduled in our yearly work plan and that facilitates the work.

What was the added value for your lottery in being certified for a fifth time? For example, how does it influence your daily business - retail outlets, product development, relation with stakeholders?

We are very proud to be certified to the highest level of EL and WLA Responsible Gaming Standard and be among the elite lotteries that have reached that goal. That is very important to us for our credibility towards our players and stakeholders as well as the government.

What advice do you have for EL Members concerning their (re)-certification process?

Implement the Standard into your daily business. It will help to protect your players and in fact your business also.