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European Parliament
News 17 Jul 2024

New European Parliament: Implications for the lottery sector

As the newly elected European Parliament convenes its first plenary session (15-19 July 2024), a new chapter begins for EU governance for the next five years. Roberta Metsola (Malta, EPP) has been re-elected President of the European Parliament, with Ursula von der Leyen (Germany, EPP) winning her second term as European Commission President.

Election outcomes and legislative impact

The 2024 elections are of major significance for lotteries across the EU, as the results shape the legislative environment in which they operate. A notable shift has been seen in the Parliament's composition. While centrist groups like the EPP and S&D maintained their ground, the Greens and Liberals faced losses. A new faction - "Patriots for Europe" - led by the French National Rally emerged as the third-largest group with 84 MEPs from 12 Member States. Another far-right new group – "Europe of Sovereign Nations" – has been formed, with  25 MEPs from 8 Member States. Despite their numbers, the impact of these groups remain uncertain due to the Parliament’s cordon sanitaire" policy.


Committee leadership positions

The Parliamentary Committees play a crucial role in shaping legislation. The Greens are expected to maintain leadership of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO), which oversees policies traditionally of most interest to lotteries, such as the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the AI  Act. Meanwhile, the "Patriots for Europe" group is seeking leadership roles in the cultural committee (CULT), sparking strategic discussions among other groups to limit their influence. Although this committee's direct influence on lottery regulations is limited, it does affect broader cultural, media, digital, educational, and sporting contexts relevant to lotteries. Committees on economic affairs, legal affairs, and civil liberties are also of interest, with final chairmanship votes set for 22 July.


The new European Commission

Following the election of the European Commission President, MEPs will scrutinize candidates for the position of Commissioners in public hearings later this year. As the Commission holds the exclusive right to propose new legislation, this is a crucial development to follow, as well as its new Work Programme to be unveiled after the Commission has been formed. . For lotteries, the anticipated inclusion of the "Digital Fairness Act" is of particular interest, as it is expected to address dark patterns, addictive designs, influencer marketing, targeted advertising, and digital-sustainability integration.

EL's advocacy and call to action

EL continues to highlight the important societal contributions of lotteries, and advocate for the sustainable lottery model at both national and EU level. Without lotteries, European society would be 22 billion Euros poorer.

To safeguard this crucial societal role, EL’s Manifesto for European policy-makers, highlights eight key focus areas, related to issues of importance and relevant at EU level.

EL will continue to monitor policy developments and support its members on a supra-national (EU), as well as, where deemed needed by the concerned Member, on a national level. EL Members are encouraged to use the Manifesto in their advocacy efforts, shaping policies that acknowledge and safeguard lotteries' societal contributions in Europe.

EL Manifesto for new EU Term