EL Sustainability Guidelines
As companies all over the world integrate sustainable policies into their business models, European lotteries continue to play a crucial role in sustainable practices. The EL Sustainability Guidelines - which are fully aligned with global sustainability standards - provide a comprehensive roadmap for EL members to further integrate sustainability into all aspects of their operations.

EL and its members are committed to benefiting society, in accordance to national laws and regulations. It goes beyond Responsible Gaming where sustainability is a core focus. Over the past years EL has developed a comprehensive set of Guidelines - inspired by the International Standard ISO 26000 - aimed to broaden and strengthen commitments of lotteries towards a larger spectrum of responsibility.
Updated first in 2023, the Guidelines offered an invaluable tool for lotteries to assess their sustainability priorities, reduce risks, enhance competitiveness, and strengthen stakeholder relationships. In 2024, the Guidelines further incorporated the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) to align with the latest reporting requirements.

The Guidelines span over nine different areas: Business Ethics, Labour Practices & Human Rights, Environment, Supply Chain, Consumer Issues, Community, Governance & Risk Management, Stakeholder Engagement and Communication & Reporting.
Integrating sustainability into every aspect of a lottery involves commitment and understanding at all levels of the organisation, where efforts should be made to provide the leadership with a thorough understanding of the implications and benefits of investing time and resources in sustainability. By identifying key issues and integrating best practices, lotteries can successfully embed sustainability into their operations.
If you have further questions, please contact us at info@european-lotteries.org.